App updates parents if a child is late or missing school
Proud of everything my friends Miriam and Alex are accomplishing with Kinvolved. Hard work coming to fruition.
App updates parents if a child is late or missing school
Proud of everything my friends Miriam and Alex are accomplishing with Kinvolved. Hard work coming to fruition.
I never cease to be amazed what is possible in Scratch. Great montage dedicated to my favorite Beatle.
We’re excited to announce a roster of Hour of Code ambassadors who will welcome classrooms to their first Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week (December 8 – 14)!
100 lucky classrooms across the United States will be selected to participate in 15-minute video Q&As with…
Celebrities & role-models will welcome classrooms to the Hour of Code
At Fort Wadsworth for @nycmarathon start. About 3.5 hours to go for me. #tcsnycmarathon (at Fort Wadsworth Light)