A Nourishing Dinner at General Assembly
On October 3rd General Assembly (“GA”) and Deloitte hosted a dinner at GA’s NYC campus with about 30 leaders from Fortune 100 media and tech companies, NYC-based start-ups, venture capital firms, academic institutions, governmental agencies, and professional services organizations. The theme of the evening was education and "businesses’ role in preparing the workforce for the ‘Big Shift’“. Four main topics were at the core of our discussion:
- "Corporate to Corporate” Learning. How do corporations best learn from each other? Share best practices? How do we create opportunities for large companies to learn from start-ups, and for emerging companies to learn from established?
- Re-training, Continuous Learning, and “Just in Time” Learning. How do we continue to grow and develop a technology and business literate workforce?
- Undergrad and post-grad. How can we encourage people to focus on engineering, business, and media in school? What is the role of initiatives such as the New York City Applied Science Campus?
- K-12 education. What can the business community do to better support technology and business learning in K-12?