I am in 23,591st place in the CrossFit Games! Whoo-hoo!
I am in 23,591st place in the CrossFit Games! Whoo-hoo!
I am in 23,591st place in the CrossFit Games! Whoo-hoo!
I am in 23,591st place in the CrossFit Games! Whoo-hoo!
Crazy, Scary Easter Bunnies: This is why us #GenX folks are a little nuts
This link of crazy, scary easter bunnies, http://www.happyplace.com/15235/the-creepiest-easter-bunny-photos-ever-taken, is making the rounds on social media. Given the apparent age of many of the children pictured I would title these photos “Here’s why Gen Xers are a little nuts”.
Friday “Guest DJ” Playlist for March 29, 2013 at Relay Graduate School
Today’s playlist for DJ Friday is here – http://grooveshark.com/#!/playlist/Relay/84767679. The first 5 songs are the official songs for this week; the last 3 are bonus for your enjoyment. Two themes for this week:
Here’s the line-up:
I am reading “I Was Blind But Now I See” by James Altucher (@jaltucher) – I have attached a link to an excerpt. I highly recommend this book. A good part of it resonates with me – e.g., the importance of physical health and exercise, the disillusions with the “system” and society’s established mile markers of success, and the belief that all that matters is moving towards happiness (and hence things like exercise, relationships, money, etc. should be in the context of how they contribute to happiness). There is a ton of provocative, contrarian advice that is worth hearing, even if you are not ready to embrace all of it right away. The eBook is 99 cents. If you can’t afford that, nearly all of what is on the book is available on his blog at http://www.jamesaltucher.com/
Check it out on Amazon.
In the Internet industry, you’re basically a custodian of your own idea for maybe three to five years and then you’re supposed to sell. That’s insanity.
The news is more or less official now, and will be truly official come later today: Julius Genachowski is stepping down as chair of the FCC. As I said in my post last night, “those of us who are passionate about technology, broadband access, and American competitiveness need to get on the stick to push that Susan Crawford (.@scrawford) be nominated by President Obama for FCC Chair.”
While there are parallels between Elizabeth Warren and the Financial Services industry with Crawford and Telecom, the comparison ends when it comes to the right-left divide. The nomination of Crawford should be no less urgent to those on the right as it is those on the left (and center). Crawford argues eloquently for how the current system – in which a small group of dominant telecoms are entangled with captured regulators in what is essentially a monopoly – stifles innovation, economic opportunity and competitiveness in the US.
If you want more information on WHY we should push hard for Susan’s nomination, here are some resources:
Take moment and sign the petition. It is here – http://wh.gov/sFoo
(Reddit discussion here: http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1assuw/petition_president_obama_to_nominate_susan/)