An Essay of Mine from May 2012: “On Meritocracy and Occupy”

An Essay of Mine from May 2012: “On Meritocracy and Occupy”

Think good thoughts for #ParkSlope School @PSMS282 teams, Taka, Toshi, going into last round of chess nationals

Think good thoughts for #ParkSlope School @PSMS282 teams, Taka, Toshi, going into last round of chess nationals

Crazy, Scary Easter Bunnies: This is why us #GenX folks are a little nuts

Crazy, Scary Easter Bunnies: This is why us #GenX folks are a little nuts

Friday “Guest DJ” Playlist for March 29, 2013 at Relay Graduate School

Friday “Guest DJ” Playlist for March 29, 2013 at Relay Graduate School

Read “I Was Blind But Now I See” by James Altucher

I am reading “I Was Blind But Now I See” by James Altucher (@jaltucher) – I have attached a link to an excerpt. I highly recommend this book. A good part of it resonates with me – e.g., the importance of physical health and exercise, the disillusions with the “system” and society’s established mile markers of success, and the belief that all that matters is moving towards happiness (and hence things like exercise, relationships, money, etc. should be in the context of how they contribute to happiness). There is a ton of provocative, contrarian advice that is worth hearing, even if you are not ready to embrace all of it right away. The eBook is 99 cents. If you can’t afford that, nearly all of what is on the book is available on his blog at 

Check it out on Amazon.

Read “I Was Blind But Now I See” by James Altucher

NYC Digital: Reinvent Payphones Winner: Beacon – Best Visual Design

NYC Digital: Reinvent Payphones Winner: Beacon – Best Visual Design